
The dashboard application is the reporting page of the modules which are allocated to the users. The dashboard consists of Widgets that can be customized by the logged-in user based on availability. 

The purpose of the Dashboard is to allow the logged-in user to view the status of the activities which are ongoing & also take a real-time report based on the modules.

The dashboard is the application's default page where all the users will land after their successful login. 

Time Sheet

A Timesheet records the User's time spent on each Task. it can be recorded in several ways such as by updating tasks

User Master

The user module is the module where all the users of the application and its details are stored. These users will have access to the application based on the roles & access rights given to them. The users can access the application and its functions. These users can be attached to the client companies, and accessed as independent or website users. Another set of users is the users who will use this application for their day-to-day operations. With access rights and access to modules, these users will have the capability to Read, Write, Edit, Update, and Delete the records.


Task is the module which is the principal module for this application. This is an internal module which is build to manage the work on the day to day basis by the internal users of this application and a reference visit by the external users. The task are created based on the manual process by a logged in users with the access rights to create and assign to the respective person or by automated process where the assignment process is automated in the applicaiton.

The task module is integrated module with other application module and it drives most of the modules. As this is integrated module with other, its important to follow the rules of the usage of the task. The task modules are accessable to the logged in users who has rights. 

Module widgets

Each Module will allow the user to access the Widgets, These widgets will be available based on the access control given to the logged in user. If the user is not assigned to the any widget then there will not be any widgets. 


The Invoice module handles  the financial part of the application such as generating invoices, sending invoices, creating credit notes, handling disputes and forecasting data 

This module is available for external users as well as internal users


All the Master of the modules comes under this, generally, the Super user/ Partner has access to it.


Questionnaires are created and sent to the customer, the Sent Questionnaire has its own status and it changes automatically as per the progress of the Questionnaire.


The Company Module is the module where all the Client company details are stored. Generally, the Company Contact person/HR of the company can access this module, and the user who has access right to the company can access this module.

All the Clients' Company details are stored in this module.

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