How to create a Client’s company?
The client company can be created by following the following steps.
STEP 1 : Go to the company Module.
STEP 2 : Click on the Create Company button in the top right.
STEP 3 : Create Company form View appears.
STEP 4 : Enter the Client’s Company name in the Client Name, and the colour can be selected from the colour code, this colour will reflect in the various graphical view.
STEP 5 : Select Client Category from the drop-down value
NOTE : The client category can be created from Master –> Company Category –> Create Company Category.
STEP 6 : Select the CLients language from the drop-down (English/French/Dutch), the selected language will appear when the customer accesses the application, and the mail will also be sent in the selected language.
STEP 7 : Enter the Email address of the client’s company (non-mandatory)
STEP 8 : Enter legal entity, Contact number, FAX Number, Paritary committee, Registration ID and select Client Profile (non-mandatory)
STEP 9 : Select Preparer From the drop-down value, (Non-mandatory)
Note: If a preparer is selected and a Task is created for the company, the preparer field will automatically be selected and can be editable.
STEP 10 : Select Reviewer From the drop-down value, (Non-mandatory)
Note: If a Reviewer is selected and a Task is created for the company, the Reviewer field will automatically be selected and can be editable.
STEP 11 : Select File Manager From the Drop-Down value, the selected user will be assigned as a File manager and all the notifications related to the company and employee will be sent to the file manager.
STEP 12 : Select Partner from the Drop- Down, The selected Partner will be able to monitor all the financial, finalization of documents etc.
STEP 13 : Select the Assistant Administrative from the drop-down, some task type requires the Assistant Administrative, if such task type is selected then the Assistant Administrative filled will appear with the selected user, and can be editable.
STEP 14 : The Category field will be auto-populated and will not be editable, this depends upon the Partner.
STEP 15 : Select the status of the client from the drop-down values Lead, Prospect, and Customer.
STEP 16 : Select the Listing status of the Clients Company, if the selected company is listed then select Listing and if not then selected Non Listed
Note: By default, Non Listed will be prefilled.
STEP 17 : Enter the Client’s address
STEP 18 : Enter the Client address (Invoice)
Note: If the Customer Address and Customer Address (Invoice) are the same then click on the check box, after clicking on the check box the address at both places will appear the same.
STEP 19 : Contact person (Company), Function, Contact person (Invoice), Contact person (HR), and Contact person (General) these filled will be selected later, once the company is created the company contact person, and employee will be created directly from the company by clicking on the icon, or can be created from the User and Acess –> All User –> Create User.
STEP 20 : Clients Bank Details
Enter the Clients Bank details, More than one bank can be added by clicking on the “+” button and only one bank will be selected as Prime Bank. Prime bank Can be selected by clicking on the this button.
STEP 21 : Enter the “Short description of activities” of the clients’ company, this is a non-mandatory field and up to 500 characters are allowed.
STEP 22 : Enter the “Situation of the Belgian entity within the international group“, this is a non-mandatory field and up to 500 characters are allowed.
STEP 23 : If any additional information is available for the client’s company, write it down in the “Additional information on the company” box, up to 500 characters are allowed.
STEP 24 : If a website or external weblink is available for the client company, enter it in the relevant field.
STEP 25 : Enter the total Number of the employee of the clients company
STEP 26 : Enter the TVA/BTW Number , after entering the TVA/BTW number click on the validated button, this will validated the TVA/BTW number and a green tick is appeared if the entered number is correct and display if entered number is incorrect.
STEP 27: Enter TVA/BTW number, after entering TVA/BTW number click on validate button , this will validate the TVA/BTW number and a green tick will appear if the number entered is correct
and if entered If the entered number is wrong then the box becomes red with a warning sign
STEP 28 : VAT Category, Vat Percentage, Vat Code, To Apply Vat(Yes/No), and Reason will be prefilled, and can be editable
NOTE: VAT Category, VAT Percentage, VAT Code, To Apply VAT (Yes/No), and Reason will depend on the Client address (invoice).
STEP 29 : Start Date and End Date
Start Date : Start date denotes the date of the client company registered in our application portal, this is a mandatory field.
End Date : End date is non-mandatory filed but when the end date arrives then the company and all the employees of the company become inactive and no longer able to access the application.
STEP 30 : Click on Save/Save & Close/Save & Add new to create the Client Company. And click on the Cancel button to cancel the creation process anytime.