The user function is the specific function of the internal user, including its roles and the Consultant fees. advisory duties
When an internal user is created and a function is assigned to the user, he/she gets access to the application with pre-defined modules.
How to Create User Function?
A user function can be created by following the steps below.
STEP 1 : Go to User Function.
STEP 2 : Click on the Create User Function button placed on the top right of the application page.
STEP 3 : The Create User Function popup window appears.
STEP 4 : Enter the name of the user function and select a colour from the colour box (note: the colour selection for the user function is reflected in many graphical reporting)
STEP 5 : Enter the Consultant fee amount for the respective user function.
STEP 6 : Click on the Submit button to create
Note: Click the Cancel button or the “X” button to cancel.