Invoices are generated automatically and can be created manually.
Steps to Create Invoices Manually
STEP 1: Go to the Invoices Module
STEP 2: Click on the Create Invoice button
STEP 3: Create Invoice form view appears
STEP 4: Select Company(Client)/Individual from the drop-down list.
If Company (Client) is selected then Contact Person is automatically selected and can be editable
If the Individual Is selected then the Individual user can be selected from the dropdown value.
STEP 5: Select Project – Non-Mandotory field, if the company/individual has any project then it can be selected from the drop-down.
STEP 6: Select Task from the drop-down list, all the active tasks of the selected company/individual will be listed in the dropdown.
STEP 7: Payment Reference – Auto generated unique mandatory field but can be editable.
STEP 8: Invoice Date – By default invoice date is selected as the system date and it is editable.
STEP 9: Due date – by default 90 days after the invoice date is selected but it can be changed.
STEP 10: Select Task Type from the drop-down list, multiple task types or the quantity of the task can be added but if the task title is selected from the Task Title dropdown then the task type is prepopulated and it cannot be changed.
STEP 11: Person Concerned: A non-mandatory field, can be selected from the dropdown, all the employees of the selected company will appear here.
STEP 12: Quantity: Quantity of task type is pre-filled by “1” and this can be editable
STEP 13: Price: Price is pre-filled and comes from task type, it can be editable.
Step 14: Discount: A discount on the invoice can be given by entering the value between 1 to 100.
Step 15: Expenses: By default, expenses are set “0” and it is in editable form and any value can be entered
STEP 16: Click on the preview button to check the invoice
STEP 17: Click on the save button to save the invoice
STEP 18: Cancel Button: Click on the Cancel button to cancel the Invoice at any point of time
STEP 18: Go to the Invoice list view screen and click on the three dots on the manually created invoice and click on the send button to send the invoice to the customer.