

The user module is the module where all the users of the application and its details are stored. These users will have access to the application based on the roles & access rights given to them. The users can access the application and its functions. These users can be attached to the client companies, and accessed as independent or website users. Another set of users is the users who will use this application for their day-to-day operations. With access rights and access to modules, these users will have the capability to Read, Write, Edit, Update, and Delete the records.


There are 3 types of users:

  1. Internal Users : Who will use this application for their daily operations (Host users)
  2. Website users : These users can access this application by creating the account directly by visiting the portal by third party source
  3. Business / Customer portal users: These users are the clients of the host users or the platform 

To make available to these users, a dedicated access rights module is created and assigned to users based on their organisational hierarchy. The access rights are described in its respective section.


Following screens & it has its name:

1. List View

2. Form View


List View

The List view display the list of all the users which are created into the application. The list view section has the brief details regarding the existing users in the system. The list view display the records in the fields which are mapped with the form screen. The data are respectively displayed under the users. The user who has access to the application and access to the List view of the user master can verify the record details or option to create based on the applied access to the logged in user.




Export features




Graphical View

The graphical view section has statistics of total users with the details of active and non-active users,comparisonate graph of company with users and details regarding resident and non-resident users in graphical fomats.




There is a section named as create user under the tab of All users which is used to add,delete or update the details regarding  new user or existing users in the system.This section has option to add name,phone number,gmail,gender,address,password,user type(company or individual),type(internal user or external user),type of company,status(resident or non-resident),access role,access module.The access module and access role are decided based on the user type.The users who are fallen in the category of company-external can access the module of client employess only as they are outside of the company.In this way the other modules and roles are decided.The mandatory fields which are considered to be filled include first name,last name,gender,e-mail id,salutation,client id,language,user type,company,status,password,confirm password,access role,access module and start date of application.The language bar has three optional languages including English,Dutch and French.The Gender bar has three optionns including male,female and other.The country and country of origin have multiple options to choose as per the user’s choice.Status bar includes two options which are resident and non-resident.Access role bar has four options to choose including company-external,create-edit-delete-print-external,create-edit-delete-print-internal and HR company-external.Access module has multiple options including website user,tax consult admin,tax consult partners,tax consult directors,tax consult admin finance invoices,task invoice,client HR and client employees.

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