
A widget is an element of a graphical user interface that displays information or provides a specific way for a user to interact. The main purpose of a control widget is to display often-used functions so that the user can trigger right from the home screen without having to open the app first.


Application of the Widget:

The widgets are assigned based on the access rights and module access given to the logged-in user. These widgets are available to the user to add or remove at any time during the application usage. Once the widget is added to the dashboard by the logged-in user, until the user does not remove the widgets, the added widgets will be present in the dashboard of the user. 


Manage Widget:


The optipn Manage widget is applicable only when atleast one widget is given access to the loggedin user. These are more specifically to the internal users. The widgets can be managed by clicking on add or remove option from the Widgets sliders.


Login to the application-> Land in the dashboard-> Check manage widget

If any widget is assigned with the logged in user from the user matrix role then Manage widget button will be available for the logged in user to add or remove the available list of widget.


When clicked on the Manage widget, a slider window is displayed with the list of widgets. The logged in user can add or remove the widgets from the given list. Once saved these widget will be available from each login untill the user does not remove it from the Dashboard screen.

  • “X” button: The widget slider come with the “X” button. The user can click on “X” button to return back to the dashboard screen. 
  • “Add widget” Button: this button allows the user to add the widget in the Dashboard. Once this widget is added the “add widget” button is no longer clickable. 
  • Widget has X button which allow individual widget to be removed from the dashbboard, enabiling the “add widget” button is available back to the widget in the slider drawer window. 
Launch login modal Launch register modal